Thursday, August 29, 2024

The DTs, Part 3

Image:  Facebook

 A Washington Post story today began this way:

"Donald Trump amplified a vulgar joke about Vice President Kamala Harris performing a sex act. He falsely accused her of staging a coup to secure the Democratic nomination and faulted her without evidence for a security lapse that enabled a rogue gunman to try to assassinate him. He shared a manipulated online image of Bill Gates in an orange jumpsuit and a call for Barack Obama to face a 'military tribunal.' He promoted explicit tributes to the QAnon conspiracy theory. He hawked digital trading cards in an online infomercial along with pieces of his debate night suit. ('People are calling it the knockout suit.') His campaign feuded publicly with Arlington National Cemetery over their visit."

And, the story noted, all that occurred in the span of 24 hours.

Lately we've been hearing how Republican operatives are desperate for Trump to be disciplined and focus on issues, so as not to alienate swing voters. But Donald is far too busy ridiculing, lying and self-aggrandizing to listen.

If I were a Republican strategist . . . oh, never mind. We know that'll never happen. I can't even see myself voting for a Republican ever again, now that the party has allowed itself to be taken over by a poisonous mushroom.

As GOP allies and donors implore Trump to stay on message, my question is:  Can he? Is this "unserious man," as Kamala Harris accurately labeled him, capable of switching into a serious gear? Does he have the attention span to focus on policy? Economic statistics are so boring compared to crude sexual remarks about Harris and Hillary Clinton.

Trump could argue that by providing non-stop juvenile entertainment and lies he's giving his followers what they want, and he'd be right. After all, that worked the first time he ran for the presidency. Maybe he knows the American people better than his handlers.

Or maybe he just needs to think so, because to turn serious would be the end of him. Trump's canyon-sized gaps in knowledge and sense would be revealed to those who've refused to see them. He's been covering over his mental shortcomings with ceaseless attacks, like he covers over his bald spot with whatever that is on his head.

Whether he's incapable of being focused or he fears what would happen if he tried, Trump so far has defied his Republican advisers. Rather than talking about the economy or the border, he's concentrating on bile and lies.

Remember the Good Humor Man? Now we're stuck with the Bad Humor Man.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

This Week's Quote

Image:  Facebook

I am the most well-known homosexual in the world.

Elton John

Source:  Brainyquote

Monday, August 26, 2024


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

I found the Democratic Convention moving, and it gave me hope. So like many folks, I donated to the Harris-Walz campaign.

I had to keep the donation amount within my means as a writer. But I'm optimistic that $1.50 will put them right over the top.

Friday, August 23, 2024

The Rogue Kennedy

Image:  Facebook

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced today that he's suspending his campaign and endorsing Donald Trump.

The latter clinches it for me. That worm that got into his brain ate the best parts.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Dana For the Win

Image:  Facebook

Speaking at the Democratic National Convention yesterday, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel turned a line made famous by former NRA president Charlton Heston on its ear.

She declared, "By the way, I've got a message for the Republicans and the justices of the United States Supreme Court: You can pry this wedding band from my cold, dead, gay hand."

I'm not worthy.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

This Week's Quote

Image:  Facebook

My husband and I, sadly, know a little something about this. For years, Donald Trump did everything in his power to try to make people fear us. See, his limited, narrow view of the world made him feel threatened by the existence of two hardworking, highly educated, successful people who happen to be Black.

Wait, I want to know: Who’s going to tell him that the job he’s currently seeking might just be one of those “Black jobs”?

Michelle Obama

Source:  TIME

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Santos Sings a New Tune

Image:  Facebook

For the first time in memory, George Santos told the truth.

After pleading guilty yesterday to aggravated identity theft and wire fraud charges, the gay former Republican congressman from New York acknowledged to reporters that he had "allowed ambition to cloud my judgment."

That's also a vast understatement, since Santos appears to have broken practically every campaign law, on top of creating an entirely fictional biography.

When he gets to prison, he'll have ample time to review his efforts to achieve grandiosity. Santos could've saved New York and the nation a lot of pain and expense if, instead of entering politics, he'd simply claimed to be the youngest daughter of Tsar Nicholas ll.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Modern Meaning

Image by PDPics from Pixabay

I receive a word-of-the-day email, and today's word is "unbosom."

It's a verb defined as to disclose one's thoughts or secrets. But in this era, I'm picturing a giddy trans man being wheeled into top surgery while yelling, "Time to unbosom myself!"

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Faster, Higher, Gayer

Image:  Facebook

Progress marches on. And surfs. And dives. And dribbles.

The 2024 Paris Olympics were the gayest Games yet, according to Outsports, which counted 199 out gay, lesbian. bisexual, transgender, queer and nonbinary athletes.

By contrast, the 2012 London Summer Games had 23 openly gay and lesbian athletes, and we thought that was darn good at the time.

In Paris, Team LGBTQ captured 43 medals, placing it seventh in the total medal count. (Maybe Team LGBTQ should compete as a nation. Heaven knows we already have a flag. Depending on the nature of our anthem, every medal ceremony could turn into a dance party.)

What particularly pleases me is that Team LGBTQ's medal haul bested every single country that criminalizes being gay. That's a big rainbow raspberry to all of them.

There were so many stories at the Games, ranging from the misinformation-fueled furor over an Algerian boxer's gender to the fact that more than half of the champion U.S. women's basketball team was openly LGBTQ.

But the story I want to highlight, before these Games fade into my iffy memory, is that of 25-year-old boxer Cindy Ngamba. Born in Cameroon, she moved to the United Kingdom at age 11. She was granted refugee status in 2021, because in Cameroon she could go to prison for being gay. Ngamba won a bronze in Paris, making her the first ever athlete competing as a refugee to clinch a medal.

Ngamba was the flag bearer for the Refugee Olympic Team. Obviously that team made a good choice. Obviously Cameroon didn't.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

This Week's Quote

Image by JackieLou DL from Pixabay

Based on the recent force and velocity with which Donald is lying, it seems he’s trying to break the land-speed record for mendacity. It turns out women are as disgusted by JD Vance as he is by them. And don’t get me started on how cats feel about him.

Mary Trump

Source: X

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday Surprise

Image by Dmitry Abramov from Pixabay

About 7:30 this morning my phone started blowing up. Why, I wondered groggily, are people contacting me at this hour on a Sunday?

It turned out that the U.S. women's basketball team, the clear Olympic favorite, was losing to France. 

American lesbians were panic-texting.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

This Week's Quote

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

I'm miserable if I'm not in love and, of course, I'm miserable if I am.

Tallulah Bankhead

Source:  Women's Wicked Wit

Tuesday, August 6, 2024


Image:  Facebook

Veep Kamala Harris has chosen Minn. Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate, and the Human Rights Campaign is over the lavender moon.

In an email today, HRC trumpeted how Walz, as a high-school history teacher and football coach in 1999, sponsored his school's first gay-straight alliance. The email goes on to list his considerable pro-LGBTQ efforts in Congress and as governor.

But honestly, HRC had me at the first point. A straight Midwestern football coach offers to serve as faculty adviser for his school's newly formed gay-straight alliance student group? How refreshing is that?

I should add that I'm available to write the musical.

Thursday, August 1, 2024


Image:  Facebook

As an Olympics junkie, I require a daily infusion of the Paris Games, whether that means watching Azerbaijani archers, Finnish fencers or Tunisian triathletes. I'd watch Zambian zip-lining, if it existed.

But as an American, I bleed red, white and blue during these weeks. Yesterday that presented a bit of a problem.

During the women's soccer game between the U.S. and Australia, American midfielder Korbin Albert scored a beautiful long-range goal. That would normally elicit an unseemly shriek from me. Instead I managed only a muted, "Yay."

A few months ago, Albert posted on social media a Christian sermon that called being gay or transgender wrong. In addition to being simply bigoted, it was an immensely stupid move for a person aiming to play on the same national team made famous by the likes of openly sapphic Megan Rapinoe and Abby Wambach. Career counselors everywhere shook their heads.

After receiving blowback, including from Rapinoe, Albert apologized. I don't know whether the 20-year-old genuinely received an education from her teammates, or she grasped she'd shot herself in the cleat and needed to show remorse in order to make it to Paris.

Whatever's going on inside her head, Albert proved yesterday by scoring her first international goal that she's got game. Whether she has sense and compassion remains to be seen.

Now if you'll excuse me, those Bangladeshi boxers won't watch themselves.